withdraw / wɪðˈdrɔ, wɪθ- /


withdraw2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

with·drew [with-droo, with-], /wɪðˈdru, wɪθ-/, with·drawn [with-drawn, with-], /wɪðˈdrɔn, wɪθ-/, with·draw·ing.

  1. to draw back, away, or aside; take back; remove: She withdrew her hand from his. He withdrew his savings from the bank.
  2. to retract or recall: to withdraw an untrue charge.
  3. to cause to undergo withdrawal from addiction to a substance.
v. 无主动词 verb

with·drew [with-droo, with-], /wɪðˈdru, wɪθ-/, with·drawn [with-drawn, with-], /wɪðˈdrɔn, wɪθ-/, with·draw·ing.

  1. to go or move back, away, or aside; retire; retreat: to withdraw from the room.
  2. to remove oneself from some activity, competition, etc.: He withdrew before I could nominate him.
  3. to cease using or consuming an addictive narcotic: to withdraw from heroin.
  4. Parliamentary Procedure. to remove an amendment, motion, etc., from consideration.

withdraw 近义词

v. 动词 verb

remove something or someone from situation

v. 动词 verb

retract; declare void


  1. So they thought up both a technical solution and a way for people to withdraw or delete their biometric data with complete agency.
  2. The FDA withdrew its approval after multiple trials in different parts of the world showed that hydroxychloroquine can actually be dangerous.
  3. Polling in May by the student analytics firm College Reaction shows that 4 percent of all college-going students plan to withdraw from school temporarily.
  4. Late last week, a deal was struck with Oregon’s governor to withdraw the troops.
  5. It gained ground from India, but then withdrew its forces, bringing them back close to their starting positions.
  6. Some say they believe that ISIS will simply withdraw from the city without fighting any heated battles.
  7. Will Christian pharmacists, county clerks, florists, and for-profit wedding chapels really withdraw from society, as you describe?
  8. “After the withdraw, they realized that firefighter Craig-Lewis was missing,” said Philadelphia Fire Commissioner Derrick Sawyer.
  9. She was separated from her colleagues after they were overcome by smoke and heat and ordered to withdraw.
  10. A cruiser shows up and eyes narrow and citizens often withdraw.
  11. The public eye, ever watchful and timid, waits scarcely for the show of danger to take alarm and withdraw its favour.
  12. When he had finished speaking, he commanded him to withdraw for an hour; after which time, he would tell him his resolution.
  13. The manner of his prisoner, sufficiently mollified the officer; and he made a sign to his attendants to withdraw.
  14. For the first time for 18 days and nights it has been found possible to withdraw the 29th Division from the fire fight.
  15. Thereon the commander of the picquet proceeded to withdraw his men and sent word to Auersperg.