re-laid / riˈleɪd /


re-laid 的定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. simple past tense and past participle of re-lay.

re-laid 近义词


等同于 broadcast


等同于 carry


等同于 carry


等同于 tote


等同于 fax

re-laid 的近义词 4

等同于 relay


等同于 report


等同于 send


等同于 transmit


等同于 pass the buck


  1. In his State of the Union address 50 years ago, LBJ laid out his vision for the Great Society.
  2. The odds of getting re-arrested are a lot slimmer if a person has a job.
  3. Many hold classes in their living rooms, asking students to help re-arrange and then later put back furniture.
  4. He won re-election twice as governor of New York, and had the hubris to run for a fourth term before being defeated in 1994.
  5. They would have to get court approval to re-home their children.
  6. Some were even re-arrested for the same nefarious purpose, and the daily papers published their names on each occasion.
  7. The inner ends of the burrows were enlarged with a depression in the floor, where the eggs were laid.
  8. Madame Ratignolle laid her hand over that of Mrs. Pontellier, which was near her.
  9. The Mexican artillery soon laid a part of the fort in ruins.
  10. He sighed as he laid the papers on the table; for he thought the task would be a harder one than even his own immolation.