emit / ɪˈmɪt /


emit 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

e·mit·ted, e·mit·ting.

  1. to send forth; discharge.
  2. to give forth or release: He emitted one shrill cry and then was silent.
  3. to utter or voice, as opinions.
  4. to issue, as an order or a decree.
  5. to issue formally for circulation, as paper money.

emit 近义词

v. 动词 verb

diffuse, discharge


  1. It’s impossible to untangle Bezos’s wealth from its source, the behemoth company that made him rich and which emits more carbon each year than, say, Portugal.
  2. With the exception of maintenance trains, subway trains are typically powered by electricity, which means they don’t emit the same kinds of pollution as fossil fuel-burning vehicles.
  3. The team found that the world emitted about 52,000 metric tons of CFC-11 in 2019 — a major drop from the annual average of 69,000 metric tons from 2014 to 2018.
  4. To curb some of the worst consequences of climate change, we’ll need to emit close to zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  5. Their superb olfactory receptors that outnumber ours threefold would let them smell many more mixtures than we can, so they can help train Deep Nose on various smells that we emit but can’t detect on our own.
  6. These black holes are a type known as quasars: extremely massive objects that emit more light than the rest of the galaxy.
  7. They emit an odor that no human being should inhale, and yet you have.
  8. Some of the matter is ejected away in the form of huge powerful jets (which also emit a lot of light).
  9. One possible reaction is to emit a deep and weary sigh at the notion that journalism has come to this.
  10. Duck calls are short, whistle-like tools used to emit “quack” sounds in order to lure ducks for hunting.
  11. The plants ripen very fast and emit an aromatic odor, increasing in strength as the plants ripen.
  12. While growing, the plants emit a strong (p. 394) aromatic odor not like that of Havana tobacco, but stronger and less agreeable.
  13. At last she raised her head; a feverish flush covered her face, and her soft eyes seemed to emit flashes.
  14. At such times he would emit a sigh of repressed joy, while he raised his flashing eyes to heaven.
  15. The large gas-burners (geysers) emit in burning under certain conditions much carbon monoxide.