promoted / prəˈmoʊt /


promoted 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

pro·mot·ed, pro·mot·ing.

  1. to help or encourage to exist or flourish; further: to promote world peace.
  2. to advance in rank, dignity, position, etc..
  3. Education. to put ahead to the next higher stage or grade of a course or series of classes.
  4. to aid in organizing.
  5. to encourage the sales, acceptance, etc., of, especially through advertising or other publicity.
  6. Informal. to obtain by cunning or trickery; wangle.

promoted 近义词

v. 动词 verb

help, advance

v. 动词 verb

give a higher position in organization


  1. The “new civility” promoted by Antoine Courtin expected the mouth to be kept shut when smiling.
  2. It was promoted on what might be called not-quite-mainstream or, indeed, axe-to-grind media.
  3. His work was more monumental, more violent, and promoted the Aryan struggle.
  4. I saw some of that in the Army, too—black guys not getting promoted as much.
  5. That is not to say the students who submit to the elitism and racism promoted by the USC Greek system are wholly sympathetic.
  6. In the Method about to be given, the intellect is agreeably occupied, and thereby a Habit of Attention is promoted.
  7. As his reward the Minister of War promoted him colonel and commandant of the second regiment of horse artillery.
  8. He was promoted up the ladder of success steadily, and in 1910 he received his commission as a Commander in the Navy.
  9. Felton retired from the service with the rank of lieutenant, disgusted and vindictive at having juniors promoted over his head.
  10. He was the friend of Laud, by whose influence he was promoted, and by whose fall he was a great sufferer.