cooperate / koʊˈɒp əˌreɪt /


cooperate 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

co·op·er·at·ed, co·op·er·at·ing.

  1. to work or act together or jointly for a common purpose or benefit.
  2. to work or act with another or other persons willingly and agreeably.
  3. to practice economic cooperation.

cooperate 近义词

v. 动词 verb

aid, assist


  1. Morocco, for example, has a worsening human rights record but a lengthy history of cooperating with Israel and the West on security, as well as a genuine terrorism problem, so a sale was reportedly approved.
  2. Confidence is needed if people are going to cooperate with county contact tracers — the people who help track the spread of the virus by interviewing the sick and figuring out where they’ve gone.
  3. Other mistakes included not cooperating with Mexico soon enough, and not distributing vaccines strategically to areas or populations deemed more essential.
  4. I see the challenges and threat pretty clearly, but I also am willing to work towards areas where it’s in our interest to cooperate.
  5. Knowing where each type tends to live on the tongue could help researchers learn how the microbes cooperate.
  6. I do not forgive those who saw the attacks and have refused to cooperate with law enforcement.
  7. “The world is trying to bring a coalition together to cooperate against the threat of ISIS,” he said.
  8. A principled GOP could,” said the Senator, “find people on both left and right to cooperate on issues.
  9. Spitz impressed Michaelis as “reliable, trustworthy and intelligent… [and] willing to cooperate.”
  10. Spitz “persuaded Schwend that his best chance would be to confess his activities with the RSHA and to cooperate with us.”
  11. That means they must have a governor, to cooperate with the military garrison.
  12. But this service cannot be made what it should be made if the Government does not cooperate in this policy of needed publicity.
  13. This will be much simpler, and will have much less injurious effect on your mind if you cooperate with us.
  14. After everything that's happened in the past two weeks, it wouldn't kill you to cooperate with us.
  15. Her military part was to send 120,000 troops across the Channel to cooperate with the French army against the Germans.