conspire / kənˈspaɪər /


conspire2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

con·spired, con·spir·ing.

  1. to agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal: They conspired to kill the king.
  2. to act or work together toward the same result or goal: The wind and rain conspired to strip the trees of their fall color.
v. 有主动词 verb

con·spired, con·spir·ing.

  1. to plot.

conspire 近义词

v. 动词 verb

plot, scheme with someone

v. 动词 verb

agree, concur


  1. There, they noted how stray molecules of water could conspire with salty ingredients in the dirt to create literally earth-shattering effects.
  2. Those unschooled in the nuances of modern finance might be forgiven for thinking that a bunch of investors openly conspiring to drive up the price of stocks with the aim to profit from it is a case of market manipulation that ought to be illegal.
  3. In September, prosecutors filed charges of conspiring and attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, which can bring a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.
  4. The charges filed against Gieswein on Saturday do not include accusations that he conspired with others to attack Congress.
  5. The proportions of your limbs, the stiffness of your tendons, and your movement history all conspire to make your knees unique.
  6. The girls very much wanted to conspire with me to make that happen.
  7. But ill-considered personal choices and the accidents of history always seemed to conspire against Marrero.
  8. They plot, conspire and work hand-in-hand toward the common goal of Jewish domination.
  9. Steve Jobs and now Tim Cook did not conspire to undermine American labor and underpay Chinese workers.
  10. Later, when they venture out, rain and fog conspire to limit their view, even in unfamiliar surroundings.
  11. The claims of its glorious Object, its own essential nature, and its design, all conspire in this.
  12. All shall conspire in favour of the church, which in the following verse is called Jezrahel, that is, the seed of God.
  13. The enemy hates him bitterly, and would welcome an opportunity, would even conspire, to hang him.
  14. About that time he began to conspire with a view to restore the son of Queen Isabella.
  15. Theologians tell and repeat to us that man is free, while all their teachings conspire to destroy his liberty.