palmed / pɑmd /


palmed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a palm or palms of a specified kind: a wide-palmed hand.

palmed 近义词


等同于 pass off

palmed 的近义词 7
palmed 的反义词 2

等同于 pilfer


等同于 secrete


等同于 touch


等同于 palpate


等同于 feel


等同于 hold


  1. Handbags can be security blankets for the most powerful women–held close even when they could be palmed off on a chorus of aides.
  2. Fifteen cents is the price, and many are palmed off on the unwise for the real imported article.
  3. It was not a written law of Ezra which the priests palmed off as the written law of Moses.
  4. The heir that fate had palmed upon him might very well be doomed to go the way so many infants went!
  5. He cut a slice of Schnitz-pie and palmed it against the bull's big snout to be snuffled up.
  6. Only Mr. Narkom, used to the ways of his famous associate, saw that he had "palmed" it into his pocket.