numbskull / (ˈnʌmˌskʌl) /


numbskull 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a stupid person; dolt; blockhead

numbskull 近义词


等同于 retarded


等同于 ass

numbskull 的近义词 13
numbskull 的反义词 2

等同于 ignoramus

numbskull 的近义词 8
numbskull 的反义词 1

等同于 screwball


  1. My cousin fairly lost his temper at this, and cursed the other for a thin-skinned numbskull.
  2. E 'as more happetite than gumption, and swallers anythink that comes 'andy, like the jolt-'ed or numbskull that 'e is. '
  3. You 've put over your fake; you 've had your laugh; you 've framed it so I 'll be the butt of every numbskull in Ohadi.
  4. “What a numbskull I was to throw it there and not tell anyone about it,” he thought to himself.
  5. Half awake again, I had a cursing spree, calling myself fifty kinds of a numbskull.