subnormal / sʌbˈnɔr məl /


subnormal2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. below the normal; less than or inferior to the normal: a subnormal amount of rain.
  2. being less than average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a subnormal person.
  2. Geometry. that part of the x-axis of a curve cut off between the ordinate and a normal.

subnormal 近义词


等同于 poor


等同于 backward


等同于 subordinate


等同于 retarded


等同于 lagging


等同于 simple-minded


等同于 unprogressive


等同于 defective


  1. If he can pass only the tests three years or more below his age, he is usually considered subnormal.
  2. The first record after the operation is usually subnormal, and in twelve hours it rises to normal or beyond.
  3. The affected part is commonly more or less anæsthetic and of subnormal temperature.
  4. The chief cause of a subnormal temperature, in my opinion, is blocking of the body with too much food.
  5. Variations of temperature, both increased and subnormal, occur in children suffering from evident in-nutrition.