lifesaver / ˈlaɪfˌseɪ vər /


lifesaver 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who rescues another from danger of death, especially from drowning.
  2. a person or thing that saves a person, as from a difficult situation or critical moment: That money was a lifesaver.
  3. Chiefly British. a lifeguard.

lifesaver 近义词


等同于 mercy


等同于 pardon


等同于 release


等同于 reprieve


等同于 guardian angel


等同于 emergency medical technician

lifesaver 的近义词 2

等同于 clemency

lifesaver 的近义词 2


  1. The best breast pumps fit comfortably and fully empty the breasts in a reasonable amount of time, which can be a lifesaver for busy moms.
  2. Frankly, owning a portable gas generator is a lifesaver when disaster strikes.
  3. Collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams and Zoom have been lifesavers for businesses, but they have also left people with less time to perform the actual job they are paid to do.
  4. A British trial called Recovery has provided important information about older drugs, finding that hydroxychloroquine did not help hospitalized covid-19 patients, while the steroid dexamethasone could be a lifesaver.
  5. Buy nowIn cold and wet conditions, these gloves are a lifesaver.
  6. They'll probably patch it up and if we get a chance to escape later, it may be a lifesaver.
  7. It was a lifesaver, for he was shooting down into the darkness at a great rate.
  8. Such a device, Tom felt, might prove to be a lifesaver if he should ever become trapped under water—perhaps far from help.
  9. He's been a lifesaver ever since he was a-put inter pants, but his jints is too stiff now.