remission / rɪˈmɪʃ ən /


remission 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of remitting.
  2. pardon; forgiveness, as of sins or offenses.
  3. abatement or diminution, as of diligence, labor, intensity, etc.
  4. the relinquishment of a payment, obligation, etc.
  5. Medicine/Medical. a temporary or permanent decrease or subsidence of manifestations of a disease.a period during which such a decrease or subsidence occurs: The patient's leukemia was in remission.

remission 近义词

n. 名词 noun

acquittal, pardon

n. 名词 noun

pause; lessening


  1. Harrison’s cancer is now in remission, and while he still has another year of maintenance treatment, the goal is to get him back in the classroom — at least part-time — by the fall.
  2. Despite its remission, the chronic disease has caused recurring health issues over the ensuing decades.
  3. The formula weighs factors such as age, and, say, whether a cancer patient is in remission or currently undergoing chemotherapy.
  4. Instead, 90 ­percent of them went into remission immediately.
  5. In three weeks, after going through a whole full plant-based diet, my vision came back three months later, my diabetes went into remission, the nerve damage went away, and I dropped 35 pounds.
  6. It went into remission, but it would resurface in 2011; and Scott was able to beat it once again.
  7. But in June 2012, after six years of remission, Brown was diagnosed with cancer again.
  8. A very long remission and stability is considered a substantial success.
  9. I think the research runs in different directions depending on the nature of the remission.
  10. “This drug appears to shut cluster headaches down and puts patients into remission,” says Halpern.
  11. It would probably claim her without remission for the next seven years.
  12. The remission of punishment was in the discretion of the Governor-in-chief: the 30 Geo.
  13. This Chaim is only too ready to undergo, and he applies himself with even more ardor than before to get a remission of his sins.
  14. In 468, the people again withdrew to the Janiculum, demanding the remission of debts, and crying out against usury.
  15. Are you willing now to agree to the remission of the fine in consideration of Grettir's sentence being commuted?