hackle / ˈhæk əl /


hackle2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. one of the long, slender feathers on the neck or saddle of certain birds, as the domestic rooster, much used in making artificial flies for anglers.
  2. the neck plumage of a male bird, as the domestic rooster.
  3. hackles, the erectile hair on the back of an animal's neck: At the sound of footsteps, the dog raised her hackles.anger, especially when aroused in a challenging or challenged manner: with one's hackles up.
v. 有主动词 verb

hack·led, hack·ling.

  1. Angling. to equip with a hackle.
  2. to comb, as flax or hemp.

hackle 近义词


等同于 hack


等同于 chip


等同于 chop


等同于 clean


等同于 comb


  1. Robin and I just had to plow through and keep our hackles up.
  2. The White Palmer—dubbed with white peacock's harl, and a black hackle over it.
  3. The Black Palmer—dubbed with black copper coloured peacock's harl, and a black cock's hackle over that, wings, blackbird.
  4. The Harry Longlegs—dubbed with darkish brown hair, and a brown hackle over it, head rather large.
  5. White Moth—strands from an Ostrich, wings from a white Pigeon, a white hackle for legs, and a black head.
  6. The Cad bait, with a little hackle round the top of the shank of the hook, kills well.