hack / hæk /


hack4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to cut, notch, slice, chop, or sever with or as with heavy, irregular blows: to hack meat; to hack down trees.
  2. to break up the surface of.
  3. to clear by cutting away vines, trees, brush, or the like: They hacked a trail through the jungle.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to make rough cuts or notches; deal cutting blows.
  2. to cough harshly, usually in short and repeated spasms.
  3. Computers. to modify a computer program or electronic device in a skillful or clever way: to hack around with HTML;It's pretty easy to hack with scripts.to break into a network, computer, file, etc., often with malicious intent: Students tried to hack into their school server to change their grades.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a cut, gash, or notch.
  2. a tool, as an ax, hoe, or pick, for hacking.
  3. an act or instance of hacking; a cutting blow.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. hack around, Slang. to pass the time idly; indulge in idle talk.

hack 近义词

n. 名词 noun

cut without care

n. 名词 noun

person who does easy work for money

n. 名词 noun


hack 的近义词 6


  1. One of my favorite in-a-pinch hacks is to lock my bike to the metal of a few grocery carts, especially if there’s no good bike rack or post around.
  2. Whether it’s been TikTok cheering on DogeCoin or a twenty-something hacking into high-profile Twitter accounts and asking for Bitcoin, 2020 might just be the year everyone from teens to nonagenarians learns about cryptocurrencies and digital money.
  3. NSO declined to comment on the alleged WhatsApp hack, since it is still an active case.
  4. A hack or leak could open citizens up to identity theft, fraud, or worse.
  5. Targets in Morocco have reportedly experienced “network injection” hacks that raise no alarm, require no cooperation from the victim, and leave little trace.
  6. The debate over who really pulled off the Sony hack, then, could continue indefinitely.
  7. Another set of hackers that goes by the name the Lizard Squad told the Washington Post that they helped with the Sony hack.
  8. The Bureau keeps publicly condemning Pyongyang for the Sony hack.
  9. And U.S. lawmakers are pushing to involve China in any retaliation against the Sony hack.
  10. According to reports on Friday, the FBI has determinedthat North Korea was behind the hack.
  11. After a brief reflection, he called a hack-cabriolet, and bade the man drive towards Bethnal Green.
  12. Make an engagement with the hackman, to take you only in his hack, and enquire his charge before starting.
  13. We engaged an experienced hack-driver, who combined with his vocation the qualities of a well informed guide as well.
  14. For until the production of his play in January, he had somehow to keep alive, and that meant more hack-work.
  15. But the King comes hack again against Monday to raise the Parliament.