adulterate 的 2 个定义
a·dul·ter·at·ed, a·dul·ter·at·ing.
- to debase or make impure by adding inferior materials or elements; use cheaper, inferior, or less desirable goods in the production of: to adulterate food.
- impure or debased; cheapened in quality or purity.
- adulterous.
adulterate 近义词
alter or debase, often for profit
adulterate 的近义词 40 个
- contaminate
- alloy
- amalgamate
- attenuate
- blend
- cheapen
- commingle
- cook
- corrupt
- cut
- defile
- degrade
- denature
- depreciate
- deteriorate
- devalue
- dilute
- dissolve
- doctor
- falsify
- impair
- infiltrate
- intermix
- irrigate
- lace
- mingle
- mix
- plant
- pollute
- shave
- spike
- taint
- thin
- transfuse
- vitiate
- weaken
- doctor up
- make impure
- phony up
- water down
adulterate 的反义词 22 个
- The tech could also allow people to cross borders without passports — while certifying their identity and keeping a record of their movements that can’t be adulterated.
- If there were a law to punish those who adulterate or falsify "truth," our magistrates would be kept extremely busy.
- Thou shalt not adulterate thy mess tin by using it as a shaving mug.
- Moreover, a neighbor may pollute the water supply, foul the air, and adulterate the food.
- It is, of course, illegal to adulterate milk, yet it is sometimes done.
- The most convenient and possibly the most common materials used to adulterate milk are water and skim milk.