elaborating / adjective ɪˈlæb ər ɪt; verb ɪˈlæb əˌreɪt /


elaborating3 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. worked out with great care and nicety of detail; executed with great minuteness: elaborate preparations; elaborate care.
  2. marked by intricate and often excessive detail; complicated; ornate.
v. 有主动词 verb

e·lab·o·rat·ed, e·lab·o·rat·ing.

  1. to work out carefully or minutely; develop to perfection.
  2. to add details to; expand.
  3. to produce or develop by labor.
  4. Physiology. to convert by means of chemical processes into a substance more suitable for use within the body.
v. 无主动词 verb

e·lab·o·rat·ed, e·lab·o·rat·ing.

  1. to add details in writing, speaking, etc.; give additional or fuller treatment: to elaborate upon a theme or an idea.

elaborating 近义词

v. 动词 verb

make detailed; expand


  1. Pelosi also suggested the House could play a bigger role in the standoff but did not elaborate.
  2. The cases were traced back to three sources, Rooks said, declining to elaborate further.
  3. It was not uncommon for a Virginia ham to be featured alongside elaborate continental meat pastries.
  4. Some of those deals are focused just on affiliate sales, while others are more elaborate, featuring everything from original content production to augmented reality projects.
  5. Instead of a complete reenactment of the big wedding, we see just enough to understand that what the world saw on live TV was an elaborate mockery of the fairy tale it pretended to be.
  6. "The support could be military or logistics," he said, without elaborating.
  7. Elaborating, he said that in the past his view of capitalism was it would “only take money” and then there was “exploitation.”
  8. “Oh, but it has worked, it has been very successful,” he replied, without elaborating.
  9. “Kari Ann Peniche popped,” Weintraub said, elaborating on his theory.
  10. I think he did the right thing by not elaborating about the future of his marriage.
  11. Mistral spent seven years in elaborating his second epic, as he did in writing his first.
  12. His impulsiveness keeps him from elaborating his sketches into long novels, such as Spektor and Dienesohn have produced.
  13. For the theologian of this kind, dogma arises from the need which the believer has of elaborating his own religious thought.
  14. She has a peculiar genius for organization, not only in elaborating minute detail, but in the grasp of a coherent whole.
  15. These exercises are varied by swelling the high tone, by changing the vowels, and by elaborating the descending scale passages.