brained / breɪnd /


brained 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a particular type of brain: small-brained dinosaurs.

brained 近义词


等同于 attack


等同于 hit


  1. All human lineages were getting bigger-brained over the last few million years, not just the lineage that led up to us.
  2. As brains got bigger, babies needed more, and their ever-larger-brained parents had more creativity to fulfill those needs.
  3. Stocky, big-brained hominids such as Neandertals needed chest cavities arranged in this way from birth to accommodate lungs large enough to meet their energy needs, the scientists contend October 7 in Science Advances.
  4. She also points out that the common hypothesis about why female pelvises are wider than male pelvises — that females need to give birth to big-brained babies — is similarly flawed.
  5. McConnell can presumably fob this off on his Beltway-brained consultants.
  6. So Murdoch, cold-blooded and lizard-brained, knows he must preserve his own position while somehow ensuring a peaceful succession.
  7. See a timeline of their hare-brained schemes—including sticking credit cards to their foreheads—and assorted misdemeanors.
  8. He’s just finished shooting a remake of Absolutely Fabulous (that hare-brained, alcoholic ‘90s Britcom).
  9. The Republican Party seems to have been brained by a heavy cloud followed by an equally heavy sky-blue shape.
  10. It was no brash idea, no hare-brained impulse concocted in one's cups, perhaps.
  11. The bishop and his episcopals can not be hair-brained enough to seek to restore old conditions and assail our liberty.
  12. Did I not hear that hare-brained youngster declare this evening that money was made round that it might roll.
  13. “He is crack-brained, and calls himself the King,” she murmured.
  14. The same act which would proclaim their own treachery would deliver into our hands this hare-brained adventurer.