thwack / θwæk /


thwack2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to strike or beat vigorously with something flat; whack.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a sharp blow with something flat.

thwack 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. Meanwhile, Ben sweeps on like the wind, hearkening even in his haste for the welcome "thwack, thwack" of his father's axe.
  2. A thwack upon his shoulders, almost as loud as that of the peel an hour before, sent him half out of bed.
  3. He was stronger than the prince, otherwise there wouldn't have been a table to thwack.
  4. The Judge raised the strip of leather and brought it down with a resounding thwack across the boy's legs.
  5. Jantje and his master turned out of the road, and soon the unmistakable thwack!