boff / bɒf /


boff2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Theater. a box-office hit.a joke or humorous line producing hearty laughter.
  2. a loud hearty laugh; belly laugh.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to cause to be overcome with laughter.
  2. to hit; strike.

boff 近义词


等同于 attack


等同于 regurgitate


等同于 strike


等同于 wallop


  1. "This is a breakaway pope," Boff declared recently to a Brazilian reporter, here in Portuguese.
  2. Dar he now trapesing furwards and baccards wid boff hans ahin his back und histin up his cote skeerts, und a callin, Ned, Ned!
  3. I'm ergwine ter v strow dese lillies o' de walley on boff on em.
  4. Boff ob yu is jist got tu git outen de grate house und stop toting wittles tu de po white trash.