affiance / əˈfaɪ əns /


affiance2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

af·fi·anced, af·fi·anc·ing.

  1. to pledge by promise of marriage; betroth.
n. 名词 noun


  1. a pledging of faith, as a marriage contract.
  2. trust; confidence; reliance.

affiance 近义词


等同于 promise


等同于 vow

affiance 的近义词 7
affiance 的反义词 2

等同于 solemn word


等同于 promise


等同于 betroth


等同于 engage


  1. William made use of Haralds compulsory sojourn to make him swear allegiance to him, and affiance him to his daughter.
  2. It is not well done for a king to affiance himself to one woman when he already has another for his wife.
  3. I protest I shall be proud to give you proof I hold a most religious affiance with your love.
  4. He must put full affiance in God, and love Him supremely: and next, me; and below that, all other.
  5. For an instant their looks fused and were lost in a passionate affiance.