earnest / ˈɜr nɪst /


earnest2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. serious and zealous in intention, purpose, or effort: an earnest worker.
  2. showing depth and sincerity of feeling: earnest words; an earnest entreaty.
  3. seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention.
n. 名词 noun
  1. seriousness and zealousness: to speak in earnest.

earnest 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

very enthusiastic

adj. 形容词 adjective

serious; very important


  1. So good that even if you forget what they were advertising — Coca-Cola — you’ll remember the fearsome Pittsburgh Steeler defensive tackle and the earnest young fan and everything it said, or didn’t need to say, about race.
  2. Prototyping on the game’s movement systems started before development on the game began in earnest.
  3. He also earned his first Emmy nomination for his voice-over performance in “Central Park,” the earnest and eccentric Apple TV Plus animated series.
  4. My hope for 2021 is to see more of these ideas explored and adopted in earnest.
  5. Vaccinating the world will be perhaps the single greatest global challenge of 2021, and that process is now beginning in earnest.
  6. It almost makes you wonder if Lizard Squad did this just to annoy Anonymous and the other earnest champions of privacy.
  7. He becomes especially earnest when the conversation turns to his role as The Baker in Into the Woods.
  8. Lyricist E. Y. “Yip” Harburg was as provocative as Hammerstein, though with a much less earnest, more whimsical sensibility.
  9. The US first considered the idea in the 1820s, but interest was revived in earnest after the California Gold Rush began in 1849.
  10. Few politicians garner the celebrity that Senator Booker does, and fewer still seem so earnest and human while doing it.
  11. The hum of earnest or glad voices here contrasted strongly with silence and meditation there.
  12. This is a slow process, but earnest hearts and united minds will render it a sure one.
  13. The earnest youth grinding at the academic mill has dreamed it in the pauses of his studious labor.
  14. We made the freight camp, however, just as the storm cut loose in deadly earnest.
  15. A remarkable man he was indeed; simple and earnest in manner, with a fine eye, a full dark beard and sunburnt face.