spearing 的定义
Ice Hockey.
- an illegal check in which a player jabs an opponent with the end of the stick blade or the top end of the stick, resulting in a penalty.
spearing 近义词
等同于 penetrate
spearing 的近义词 53 个
- crack
- drill
- enter
- go through
- infiltrate
- invade
- pass through
- permeate
- pervade
- puncture
- seep
- access
- bayonet
- bore
- charge
- come
- diffuse
- drive
- encroach
- force
- gore
- impale
- insert
- insinuate
- introduce
- jab
- knife
- percolate
- perforate
- prick
- probe
- ream
- saturate
- spear
- stab
- suffuse
- thrust
- trespass
- barge in
- blow in
- break in
- breeze in
- bust in
- eat through
- filter in
- get in
- ingress
- make a hole
- make an entrance
- pop in
- run into
- sink into
- stick into
spearing 的反义词 9 个
等同于 spike
等同于 stab
等同于 stick
等同于 tap
等同于 transfix
等同于 gore
等同于 impale
- One main culprit was the hard-shell helmet that had essentially become a spearing weapon.
- Queen Elizabeth I owned forks for sweetmeats but chose to use her fingers instead, finding the spearing motion to be crude.
- But they were not ready as yet to do any nocturnal spearing, and if ever Indians wanted a night's rest they wanted it.
- Frequently I would go out spearing and netting fish, my principal captures being mullet.
- Dear Aunt Kitty: I'm up here spearing salmon and all that sort of thing, don't you know, and trying to forget.
- The door was open, and a torch was spearing its beam on two men—one kneeling over the prone figure of the other.
- In the summer months they frequent the sea-coast, where their skill in spearing fish is described as quite wonderful.