spearing / ˈspɪər ɪŋ /


spearing 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Ice Hockey.

  1. an illegal check in which a player jabs an opponent with the end of the stick blade or the top end of the stick, resulting in a penalty.

spearing 近义词


等同于 penetrate


等同于 spike


等同于 stab


等同于 stick


等同于 tap


等同于 transfix


等同于 gore


等同于 impale


  1. One main culprit was the hard-shell helmet that had essentially become a spearing weapon.
  2. Queen Elizabeth I owned forks for sweetmeats but chose to use her fingers instead, finding the spearing motion to be crude.
  3. But they were not ready as yet to do any nocturnal spearing, and if ever Indians wanted a night's rest they wanted it.
  4. Frequently I would go out spearing and netting fish, my principal captures being mullet.
  5. Dear Aunt Kitty: I'm up here spearing salmon and all that sort of thing, don't you know, and trying to forget.
  6. The door was open, and a torch was spearing its beam on two men—one kneeling over the prone figure of the other.
  7. In the summer months they frequent the sea-coast, where their skill in spearing fish is described as quite wonderful.