mutinousness / ˈmyut n əs /


mutinousness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. disposed to, engaged in, or involving revolt against authority.
  2. characterized by mutiny; rebellious.
  3. difficult to control: mutinous feelings.

mutinousness 近义词


等同于 nonconformity


  1. Raul Labrador has almost no experience in Congress and a mutinous habit.
  2. It is probable he wished to provide written proof of a plea that he was an unwilling agent in the clutch of a mutinous army.
  3. Major Hector Munro took command of the British army, and found it in a mutinous condition; desertions to the enemy were frequent.
  4. An therell be another one right here, if you dont put a stopper on that mutinous jaw of yours and get back to your post.
  5. It was the mutinous crew of his majesty's ship "Bounty" that settled Pitcairn's Island.
  6. It is in that story of Mr. Kipling's of the mutinous elephant who refused to work because his master was too long absent.