doughy / ˈdoʊ i /


doughy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

dough·i·er, dough·i·est.

  1. of or like dough, especially in being soft and heavy or pallid and flabby: a doughy consistency; a fat, doughy face.

doughy 近义词


等同于 pale


等同于 pasty


等同于 soft


等同于 soft


等同于 mashed


等同于 pulpous


等同于 pulpy


等同于 quaggy


等同于 squashy


等同于 squishy


等同于 waterish


等同于 colorless


  1. Everything is mixed together form a doughy and homogeneous mass, which is cooked in the microwave for approximately 40 minutes.
  2. After a few minutes, my pizza was perfectly cooked, doughy and lightweight yet with a firm, delicious crust.
  3. Sometimes the lemon flavor was weak or the cookies came out too doughy.
  4. His uniform was too tight and was wrapped around his doughy body like cellophane.
  5. If convicted as charged, the doughy, bespectacled Chaney could get more than 120 years in prison.
  6. The result, seen in the dark, was a formless black mass, very doughy and fatty; but with oases of palatable matter.
  7. Many amateur campers wonder why the biscuits are flat or doughy.
  8. They were all doughy when they came out, very much as they were when they went in; but the dough was deliciously sweet and spicy.
  9. Mother Corey shook his head, shaking the few hairs on his head and face, and the wrinkles in his doughy skin deepened.
  10. Good opium is hard in the cold, but becomes flexible and doughy when it is worked between the hot hands.