fleecy / ˈfli si /


fleecy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

fleec·i·er, fleec·i·est.

  1. covered with, consisting of, or resembling a fleece or wool: soft, fleecy clouds.

fleecy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

downy, woolly; like a lamb's coat


  1. The wind-blown rain-makers lost their leaden hue and became a soft pearl-gray, all fleecy white around the edges.
  2. He wore a high crowned, pearl grey fedora, set squarely on his head and his fleecy coat had heavily padded shoulders.
  3. In the winter, they jumped into fleecy snowdrifts and rolled until their little bronze bodies took on a red-raspberry tint.
  4. The light had left the top of the elm and the fleecy clouds overhead were no longer dazzling because of their borrowed splendor.
  5. High among the fleecy cloud-bundles were dark specks which we knew to be turkey-buzzards, already attracted by the dead.