glutinous / ˈglut n əs /


glutinous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of the nature of glue; gluey; viscid; sticky.

glutinous 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. He shares his excitement about a scene where Raya makes an offering with bánh tét, a glutinous rice cake eaten during Vietnamese New Year, which is also Nguyen’s favorite food and one that reminds him of home.
  2. And unless you're careful, you'll be asked for a traditional Chinese brunch that will most likely include glutinous chicken feet.
  3. The birds that build them swallow a certain kind of glutinous weed growing on the coral rocks.
  4. He came home with his flank heating and a glutinous moisture on his lip, and a hunted look in his eye.
  5. Some, covered with a hairy and glutinous seaweed, seemed like large green moles boring a way into the rock.
  6. Suddenly a large, round, flattened, glutinous mass issued from beneath the crevice.
  7. There is another sort of tuberous root, called “ulluca” by the Peruvians, which is more glutinous and less pleasant to the taste.