cottony / ˈkɒt n i /


cottony 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or like cotton; soft.
  2. covered with a down or nap resembling cotton.

cottony 近义词


等同于 silky


等同于 soft


  1. The paper should have a cottony feel to it, almost like money, and it should have a watermark seal on it, too.
  2. These two types of fungus leave a dusty or cottony coating on grapes and leaves.
  3. He was conscious of a hunger that was beyond discomfort, and a thirst that left his mouth dry and cottony.
  4. Stem: Cylindrical; creamy white; hollow, or with a loose cottony pith.
  5. Cottony clouds stood, in a great castle, over the top of Arran, and blew out in long streamers to the south.
  6. He has a little shrivelled face, looking as if it had been in the fire, and a short cottony beard, like moss on an old stone.
  7. It was a thirst that started in his throat, spread to his dry cottony mouth, sank deep into his drying insides.