unsex / ʌnˈsɛks /


unsex 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to deprive of sexual power; render impotent or frigid; spay or castrate.
  2. to deprive of the proper or appropriate character and qualities of one's sex, as by unnatural conduct.

unsex 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. It is a mistaken idea to suppose that to become an accomplished horse-woman a lady must unsex herself.
  2. Can a ballot in the hand of woman and dignity on her brow, more unsex her than do a scepter and a crown?
  3. Their unnatural attempt to be wiser than God, and to unsex themselves, had done little but disease their mind and heart.
  4. Many Socialists, in giving to woman equality with man as a wage-earner and voter, wish to unsex her completely.
  5. Clergymen lay aside their Bibles, and females unsex themselves, to carry on this horrid warfare against slave holders.