autoclave / ˈɔ təˌkleɪv /


autoclave2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a heavy vessel for conducting chemical reactions under high pressure.
  2. pressure cooker.
  3. Medicine/Medical, Bacteriology. an apparatus in which steam under pressure effects sterilization.
v. 有主动词 verb

au·to·claved, au·to·clav·ing.

  1. to place in an autoclave.

autoclave 近义词


等同于 pressure cooker

autoclave 的近义词 1

等同于 sterilize


等同于 spay


等同于 unsex


  1. Though I did enjoy the fellow who suggested that he sterilized everything in his kitchen with a Harvest Gold autoclave.
  2. Sterilisation by means of superheated steam is carried out in a special boiler—Chamberland's autoclave (Fig. 30).
  3. Fix the bucket over a large Bunsen flame and boil for thirty minutes—or boil in the autoclave for a similar period.
  4. Heat the whole apparatus in the autoclave at 120° C. for twenty minutes.
  5. Steam applied in an autoclave under a pressure of two atmospheres destroys even the most resistant spores in a few minutes.
  6. The author found that in an autoclave of the type shown in Fig. 81 it required ten minutes for 500 cc.