sprang / spræŋ /


sprang 的定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. a simple past tense of spring.

sprang 近义词

v. 动词 verb

jump, skip

v. 动词 verb

originate, emerge


  1. Jundullah and Jaish ul Adl sprang up “in reaction to that kind of oppression,” he said.
  2. Cirque du Soleil obviously sprang to startling success with a variety of shows since its 1987 founding.
  3. The couples sprang from their seats with handguns drawn and ordered both men to put their heads on the table.
  4. Based on the way they sprang into action on Friday, his family had more than an inkling of what might be ahead.
  5. Thais sprang into action—or, perhaps one should say, inaction.
  6. The city hell hounds sprang to meet them and the slaughter of inoffensive Europeans began in Darya Gunj.
  7. Here Robinson suddenly turned pale, and, hastily reaching out for his gun, sprang to his feet.
  8. At last, tired of fighting an unseen foe, the men arose to their feet, and with a wild cheer sprang forward.
  9. Water-fowl that had not moved at the first alarm now sprang in myriads from reeds and sedges, and darkened the very air.
  10. I sprang forward to leap after her, but hands grasped me and flung me back so violently that I fell down on the platform.