die / daɪ /


die2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

died, dy·ing.

  1. to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; become dead.
  2. to cease to exist: The laughter died on his lips.
  3. to lose force, strength, or active qualities: Superstitions die slowly.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. die away, to become weaker or fainter and then cease: The hoofbeats gradually died away.
  2. die down, to become calm or quiet; subside.
  3. die off, to die one after another until the number is greatly reduced: Her friends are dying off.
  4. die out, to cease to exist; become extinct: Both lines of the family died out before the turn of the century.to die away; fade; subside: The roar of the engines died out as the rocket vanished into the clouds.

die 近义词

v. 动词 verb

pass away; stop living

v. 动词 verb

wither, dwindle


  • die away
  • die down
  • die for
  • die hard
  • die in harness
  • die is cast, the
  • die laughing
  • die off
  • die out
  • die to
  • die with one's boots on
  • curl up (and die)
  • do or die
  • it's to die
  • never say die


  1. He was due to begin treatment Monday, the day after he died.
  2. Schottenheimer, who died Monday at the age of 77 after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2014, was something of surprise hire to replace Norv Turner before the 2001 season.
  3. The Lakers marked the anniversary of the crash in a low-key way last month, and Bryant’s widow, Vanessa, asked people to focus on the victims’ lives rather than the way they died.
  4. Though it can be frustrating to die frequently in these scenarios, with each death you hone your strategy to get the timing right, making it satisfying in the long run.
  5. The patient had used up all her time planning her brother’s funeral after he died of covid-19, the disease caused by the virus.
  6. Yves Albarello, MP of Seine-et-Marne, said the gunmen told police they were ready to “die as martyrs.”
  7. Asserting our right to free speech is the only to ensure that 12 people did not die in vain.
  8. Though this too is debatable given that 25,000 to 40,000 people a year die of influenza—the vast majority of them unvaccinated.
  9. They made it home, after which he did die, she nursing him to the end.
  10. It is a multimillion-dollar business in which roughly 15 million fowl die a year.
  11. "A camp-fire would hardly flash and die out like that, Sarge," he answered thoughtfully.
  12. But men, through neglecting the rules of health, pass quickly to old age, and die before reaching that term.
  13. I cannot believe that God would think it necessary to come on earth as a man, and die on the Cross.
  14. With three or four more wounds, and the words with which he aided her to die, he finished with her.
  15. His symptoms became so serious that often we expected nothing less than that he would die on our hands.