retrograde / ˈrɛ trəˌgreɪd /


retrograde3 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.
  2. inverse or reversed, as order.
  3. Chiefly Biology. exhibiting degeneration or deterioration.
v. 无主动词 verb

ret·ro·grad·ed, ret·ro·grad·ing.

  1. to move or go backward; retire or retreat.
  2. Chiefly Biology. to decline to a worse condition; degenerate.
  3. Astronomy. to have a retrograde motion.
v. 有主动词 verb

ret·ro·grad·ed, ret·ro·grad·ing.

  1. Archaic. to turn back.

retrograde 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Trina has consistently offered rap anthems for women who refuse to acquiesce to retrograde and, frankly, sexist expectations for how women talk about their sexuality.
  2. The whole hand-to-the-mouth gasping thing we do when learning that women go see these films is horribly retrograde.
  3. But more often, the inclusion of people of color is limited or mitigated by oddly retrograde cultural politics.
  4. Mainline Protestant denominations are in marked decline and Evangelical Christianity is in slow retrograde.
  5. This, lest we forget, remains the modern prototype for a quintessentially retrograde act.
  6. The long-time Washington Post columnist has, again, used his valuable real estate to give retrograde opinions on race.
  7. One retrograde or timid step would open the eyes of men, and bring down ruin on the Pantamorphica.
  8. He executes with speed, and even with ease, all direct motion; but he has no facility for oblique or retrograde motions.
  9. A nation cannot remain stationary; she must advance or retrograde.
  10. But the retrograde movement towards the gate had begun—as unreasoningly, perhaps as blindly, as the simultaneous anger.
  11. On the 10th my army, resuming its retrograde movement, crossed to the north side of Cedar Creek.