loom / lum /


loom2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a hand-operated or power-driven apparatus for weaving fabrics, containing harnesses, lay, reed, shuttles, treadles, etc.
  2. the art or the process of weaving.
  3. the part of an oar between the blade and the handle.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to weave on a loom.

loom 近义词

v. 动词 verb

appear, often imposingly


  1. Behind their silk hats loom shadows of their immigrant forbears.
  2. In this valley so far away from Syria, questions loom like mist drifting off the Caucasus.
  3. Over these environmental problems loom arguably greater social ones.
  4. Two hours east of Dallas, sun-drenched granite cliffs loom high above the cloudy waters of Possum Kingdom Lake.
  5. Jagged walls of rock, a palette of blacks and greys, loom over us.
  6. It was in full sight from the door of the little shanty in which Aunt Ri's carpet-loom stood.
  7. From above, through the ceiling, came the vibration of some machine at work, and the machine might have been the loom of time.
  8. The labour of the spade and of the loom, and the petty gains of trade, he contemptuously abandoned to men of a lower caste.
  9. No well-wisher of India, no patriot dare look upon the impending destruction of the hand-loom weaver with equanimity.
  10. I will lie down and round me wrap The cool, black curtains of the gloom That night hath woven in her loom.