soliloquize / səˈlɪl əˌkwaɪz /


soliloquize2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

so·lil·o·quized, so·lil·o·quiz·ing.

  1. to utter a soliloquy; talk to oneself.
v. 有主动词 verb

so·lil·o·quized, so·lil·o·quiz·ing.

  1. to utter in a soliloquy; say to oneself.

soliloquize 近义词


等同于 recite


等同于 talk


  1. To hear Ruckus soliloquize is to be a fly on the wall in a country club locker room.
  2. "Dear me," I soliloquize, while the contents of those bureau drawers are tossed here and there in the fever of my search.
  3. He tried to soliloquize, to be facetious, to have his last grim laugh at life, but his lips made only incoherent sounds.
  4. In speculation as in other things the Englishman trusts his inner man; his impulse is to soliloquize even in science.
  5. Senators of the Right were allowed to soliloquize eloquently.
  6. I was beginning to soliloquize, when a rude voice beside me interrupted.