retell / riˈtɛl /


retell 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

re·told [ree-tohld], /riˈtoʊld/, re·tell·ing.

  1. to tell over again or in a new way: It’s Sleeping Beauty retold with a different twist.

retell 近义词


等同于 quote


等同于 recite


等同于 reiterate


等同于 relate


等同于 repeat


等同于 retrace

retell 的近义词 6
retell 的反义词 1

等同于 restate

retell 的近义词 6
retell 的反义词 1


  1. News teams streamed into Butte County for months after the blaze, telling and retelling the gut-wrenching tales of those who survived and those who didn’t.
  2. We know this—and we have known it for decades—because it’s a story Hollywood keeps retelling.
  3. Family lore, told and retold, can be a fuzzy thing, but some memories about his father, like their first time fishing together, remained spectacularly vivid and personal.
  4. At no point in time did we want to remake the older films or to retell a story that has been told a bunch before.
  5. Elder’s journey will be retold this week because of his appearance at Augusta National.
  6. Of course, the only reason we retell the story is precisely the data did corroborate Einstein's theory.
  7. The Eichmann trial was as an opportunity to retell the story of the Holocaust to Israelis—and to the world.
  8. Then she had to retell, perhaps for the hundredth time, the story of the hand-bag and the linen chest, but her eyes closed.
  9. Many of his poems describe country life in New England; others retell old stories of pioneer days.
  10. These have been so perfectly told by great writers that to retell them would seem absurd.
  11. The tale is too long to retell here but it is undeniably thrilling and good reading.
  12. To the Teacher: Have the children retell the story of the picture.