recusant / ˈrɛk yə zənt, rɪˈkyu zənt /


recusant2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. refusing to submit, comply, etc.
  2. obstinate in refusal.
  3. English History. refusing to attend services of the Church of England.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who is recusant.
  2. English History. a person, especially a Roman Catholic, who refused to attend the services of the Church of England.

recusant 近义词


等同于 lawless


等同于 negative


等同于 radical


等同于 contrary


等同于 impious


等同于 dissident


  1. The recusant States must be whipped back into submission to the autocrats that would direct their affairs.
  2. When recovered the second time, he was whipped as well as fed—another lesson which only made the stubborn recusant run the faster.
  3. The recusant was one Walter Simpson, the Vulcan of the parish.
  4. He was summoned to the bar of the House as a Popish recusant.
  5. Uledi returned from his expedition against a recusant officer at Kituntu, bringing with him a spoil of ten women.