anarchical / ænˈɑr kɪk /


anarchical 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, like, or tending to anarchy.
  2. advocating anarchy.
  3. not regulated by law; lawless: Anarchic bands pillaged the countryside.

anarchical 近义词


等同于 insurgent


等同于 lawless


  1. No one knows better than I that it is, at the present moment, honeycombed with sedition and anarchical impulses.
  2. Bentham's view, indicated by his criticism of this article in the 'Anarchical Fallacies,' is therefore worth a moment's notice.
  3. An unbridled press was busy in adding fuel to the flames and in stimulating the ardor which sought to realize anarchical dreams.
  4. Bentham expressly repudiated this view in his vigorous attack upon the 'anarchical fallacies' embodied in the French declaration.
  5. The Jewish republic, reduced to slavery so often, was anarchical rather than theocratical.