pietistical / ˈpaɪ ɪˌtɪz əm /


pietistical 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a movement, originating in the Lutheran Church in Germany in the 17th century, that stressed personal piety over religious formality and orthodoxy.
  2. the principles and practices of the Pietists.
  3. intensity of religious devotion or feeling.
  4. exaggeration or affectation of piety.

pietistical 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. With the same charms as Mademoiselle de Voss, she had the same jumble of pietism and virtue.
  2. Brought up in an atmosphere of pietism, the natural reaction led him into a kind of romantic atheistic unbelief.
  3. Pietism and sentimentalism have supplanted in a large measure the ethical.
  4. The severe pietism of that belief had never strongly appealed to him.
  5. As to religion, Sainte-Beuve, having had his phase of pietism even, ended by becoming a blank unbeliever.