wicked / ˈwɪk ɪd /


wicked2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

wick·ed·er, wick·ed·est.

  1. evil or morally bad in principle or practice; sinful; iniquitous: wicked people;wicked habits.
  2. mischievous or playfully malicious: These wicked kittens upset everything.
  3. distressingly severe, as a storm, wound, or cold: a wicked winter.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. Slang. very; really; totally: That shirt is wicked cool.

wicked 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

corrupt, bad

adj. 形容词 adjective

destructive, troublesome

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. There are wicked reminders, for instance, of her acid humor.
  2. Revisiting historical debates about the Fairness Doctrine can help us think through these wicked problems.
  3. The player then traverses a gorgeously-rendered landscape and solves a series of wicked little puzzles in a heart-wrenching reunification quest.
  4. In fact, if you go back even further, a pollster named Elmo Roper found that 47 percent of Americans found sexual relations for young people before marriage to be “wicked” back in 1939.
  5. Both tell the stories of doomed criminals trying to make their way in a wicked world.
  6. He once experimented with dressing as “Hilda the Wicked Witch” as a way to expand his business to Halloween.
  7. “Wicked William,” as he was known, made short work of her fortune.
  8. MacDonald saw a lot that day, including gold candlesticks, the Kingdom of Heaven, and lots of violent judgment for the wicked.
  9. The film lets her unspoiled beauty speak the so-called “wicked” truth: for Ellen, abortion was the best choice.
  10. The original trailer even opens with her confession and defense of the abortion: “Sometimes the truth is wicked.”
  11. It is then we make him our friend, which sets us above the envy and contempt of wicked men.
  12. The bear watched him narrowly with its wicked little eyes, though it did not see fit to cease its paw-licking.
  13. O wicked presumption, whence camest thou to cover the earth with thy malice, and deceitfulness?
  14. No sooner was the ceremony over than the wicked count ordered her to present herself at the castle.
  15. I ushered you into this wicked world, young man, and a nice use you seem to have made of your time.