risky / ˈrɪs ki /


risky 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

risk·i·er, risk·i·est.

  1. attended with or involving risk; hazardous: a risky undertaking.

risky 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. I know, as the pandemic trudges on, that dining out is risky, not just to myself, but to others, too.
  2. As the chart shows, day-trading offers the probability of the biggest negative return whereas the five- or ten-year horizon is far less risky on a relative basis.
  3. So, he’s been exploring what kind of incentives will best lead drug companies to invest in the risky and costly business of vaccines.
  4. Instead of taking a risky 90-minute flight, I opted for the nine-hour drive.
  5. The market environment that made the strategy profitable in the past — sparser and slower financial information, riskier economic policymaking and less efficient markets — was not coming back, she argued.
  6. His section on why he and his wife split—he essentially chose soccer over her—would be risky if its candor were not so refreshing.
  7. Siding with Obama on anything, no matter how sensical, is a risky move for a would-be Republican presidential candidate.
  8. However, welcoming refugees is an expensive and potentially risky proposition for European countries.
  9. This makes for an unusual, and risky, subject for a musical stage show – one with origins as a kind of citizen journalism project.
  10. Which is why some consider crossovers (a man who performs in both gay and straight adult movies) risky business.
  11. It was risky work to leave the valuable convoy for an instant, but Malcolm felt that he must probe this mystery.
  12. Though he knew it was risky he determined to stop and find out where he was and to inquire the shortest way to Palmyra.
  13. We aren't used to this part of the world, you see, and so we didn't know what a risky thing we were doing.
  14. Life itself I submitted, was a far too risky business as a whole to make each additional particular of danger worth regard.
  15. He was in the position of a borrower driving a risky trade, or of a would-be insurer who leads an unhealthy life.