distressing / dɪˈstrɛs /


distressing3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction; trouble: distress over his mother's illness.
  2. a state of extreme necessity or misfortune: After the stock market crash, he found himself in great financial distress.
  3. the state of a ship or airplane requiring immediate assistance, as when on fire in transit.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. afflicted with or suffering distress: distress livestock; distress wheat.
  2. caused by or indicative of distress or hardship: distress prices; distress borrowing.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to afflict with great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; trouble; worry; bother: It distresses Grandpa when you bring up the war.
  2. to subject to pressure, stress, or strain; embarrass or exhaust by strain: to be distressed by excessive work.
  3. to compel by pain or force of circumstances: Her faithlessness distressed him into ending their marriage.
  4. to dent, scratch, or stain so as to give an appearance of age: She used an old bicycle chain to distress the surface of the table before applying a deep stain.

distressing 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. It’s also easy to anthropomorphize and misinterpret actions as gestures of joy that are actually signs of distress or just indifference.
  2. Covid-19—and its corollaries of uncertainty, isolation, and financial distress— is a mix of high-risk factors for developing a substance abuse disorder, or relapsing.
  3. In response, lawmakers called a hearing two months later, during which doctors and other experts testified that children suffered emotional and mental distress during the weeks or months their release was delayed.
  4. Under the radar, a new class of dangerous debt — climate-distressed mortgage loans — might already be threatening the financial system.
  5. We became officers because we wanted to help people in distress, make a difference in our communities and simply serve and protect.
  6. The girls send a cry for help…the situation of these girls is distressing.
  7. In one of the most distressing events of the year, nerd entitlement hit 100.
  8. The health care workers, too, face “distressing” conditions.
  9. The current lack of available Simpsons clips online is distressing.
  10. Many Orange is the New Black fans found this scene to be particularly distressing.
  11. “This is a distressing predicament for these young people,” thought Mr. Pickwick, as he dressed himself next morning.
  12. The fate of the royal family after this defeat was extremely singular and distressing.
  13. Indeed, the arrival of the American volunteers under these distressing circumstances produced a fresh commotion in Yloilo.
  14. It was more than distressing, it was afflicting—the letters tore an established reputation into a thousand pieces.
  15. It's seeing people and objects in their weird entirety, in their true and complete shapes, that is so distressing.