unregenerate / ˌʌn rɪˈdʒɛn ər ɪt /


unregenerate2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

Also un·re·gen·er·at·ed [uhn-ri-jen-uh-rey-tid]. /ˌʌn rɪˈdʒɛn əˌreɪ tɪd/.

  1. not regenerate; not renewed in heart and mind or reborn in spirit; unrepentant: an unregenerate sinner.
  2. refusing to believe in the existence of God: an unregenerate atheist; an unregenerate skeptic.
  3. unconvinced by or unconverted to a particular religion, sect, or movement; unreconstructed.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an unregenerate person.

unregenerate 近义词


等同于 arrant


等同于 remorseless


等同于 sinful


等同于 impious


  1. Welcome to what Edelstein calls “unregenerate Shakespeare geekdom.”
  2. I was telling mother the other day that I thought unregenerate folks were of some use in this world any way.
  3. Adam, ad′am, n. the first man: unregenerate human nature: a gaoler.
  4. Indeed, long had been the time for which the king had been afflicted by Kali, as if he were of unregenerate soul.
  5. A true Christian is wretched where there is no fellowship, and an unregenerate man is not at ease where there are only Christians.
  6. There is in the unregenerate a remnant of natural knowledge and conscience.