minster / ˈmɪn stər /


minster 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a church actually or originally connected with a monastic establishment.
  2. any large or important church, as a cathedral.

minster 近义词


等同于 cathedral


等同于 church


  1. He served in various governments in roles including prime minister and defense minster before taking control of the presidency.
  2. She also met with Jordan's King Abdullah, Turkish President Gul and Turkish Prime Minster Erdogan.
  3. Mendoza, who had recently been demoted to Vice Minster of Justice, resolved to go in and get Escobar on his own.
  4. With the Vice Minster of Justice now a hostage, Gen. Pardo's 4th brigade had little choice but to strike.
  5. "You have betrayed me, Señor Vice Minster," Escobar said to Mendoza.
  6. This could include, say, the Israeli prime minster, various cabinet ministers, and many members of Knesset.
  7. The following day being Sunday, we availed ourselves of the opportunity of attending services at the Minster.
  8. The town dates from the year 870, when the first cathedral minster was built by the order of one of the British chieftains.
  9. Aside from its world-famous minster, York teems with objects and places of curious and archaeological interest.
  10. It occupied a whole side of the court, and at one end had a private door into the minster.
  11. But they turned on him at the last, he says, and there's the mark still to be seen on the minster door where they run him down.