metrology 的定义
plural me·trol·o·gies.
- the science of weights and measures.
metrology 近义词
metrology 的近义词 42 个
- altitude
- amount
- amplitude
- analysis
- appraisal
- area
- assessment
- calibration
- capacity
- computation
- degree
- density
- depth
- determination
- dimension
- distance
- estimation
- evaluation
- extent
- frequency
- height
- judgment
- length
- magnitude
- mass
- measure
- mensuration
- pitch
- quantification
- quantity
- range
- reach
- scope
- size
- survey
- thickness
- time
- valuation
- volume
- weight
- width
- metage
metrology 的反义词 3 个
- His leading contribution to metrology was his Mtrologie ou Trait des mesures, Paris, 1780.
- Met′ric, -al, pertaining to metre or to metrology: consisting of verses.
- The literature on the subject of the Great Pyramid, considered from the standpoint of metrology, is extensive.