madder 的定义
- any plant of the genus Rubia, especially the climbing R. tinctorum, of Europe, having open clusters of small, yellowish flowers.Compare madder family.
- the root of this plant, formerly used in dyeing.
- the dye or coloring matter itself.
- a color produced by such a dye.
madder 近义词
enthusiastic; in love
crazy, insane
madder 的近义词 44 个
- absurd
- delirious
- demented
- fantastic
- foolish
- frantic
- frenzied
- kooky
- nutty
- psychotic
- aberrant
- bananas
- batty
- crazed
- cuckoo
- daft
- deranged
- distracted
- foolhardy
- frenetic
- illogical
- imprudent
- invalid
- irrational
- loony
- ludicrous
- lunatic
- mental
- non compos mentis
- nonsensical
- of unsound mind
- off one's rocker
- out of one's mind
- preposterous
- rabid
- raving
- senseless
- unbalanced
- unhinged
- unreasonable
- unsafe
- unsound
- unstable
- wacky
madder 的反义词 14 个
- Late last week, McDonough assured us that Obama is “madder than hell” about the VA fiasco.
- Thus the new marching orders: get madder about the same old things - but in an even more deranged fashion.
- They're going to eventually face defense cuts which will make the hawks madder than hell.
- On the other hand, in fairness to them, if they had read the book, they'd no doubt be madder still.
- In fact, among some pockets of the rich, the more Republicans cut their taxes, the madder they get.
- Jack asked a little sharply, and Howard replied, "No, sir; she was madder than a hatter; you've no cause to be jealous."
- So he rode before the host with his forty knights, no spirit madder than he,—a very St. George when he fell upon the Moslems.
- Nonie's cheeks were scarlet; she was getting madder and madder with every word she said.
- Mis Betsy wud pitch in en say things that made 'em madder en madder.
- She was a poor, mad creature that I met in my wandering—even madder than myself, perhaps, for I remember it all distinctly.