flagitous 近义词
等同于 depraved
flagitous 的近义词 39 个
- lewd
- nefarious
- shameless
- sinful
- vicious
- vile
- wanton
- warped
- wicked
- abandoned
- base
- debased
- debauched
- degenerate
- degraded
- dirty
- fast
- low
- mean
- perverted
- twisted
- vitiate
- vitiated
- bad
- dirty-minded
- dissolute
- evil
- filthy
- gone to the dogs
- kinky
- lascivious
- licentious
- miscreant
- profligate
- putrid
- rotten
- unhealthy
- unnatural
- villainous
flagitous 的反义词 17 个
等同于 flagrant
flagitous 的近义词 38 个
- atrocious
- bold
- brazen
- conspicuous
- disgraceful
- egregious
- glaring
- heinous
- notorious
- obvious
- outrageous
- shameful
- shameless
- shocking
- undisguised
- arrant
- awful
- bare-faced
- capital
- crying
- dreadful
- enormous
- flaming
- flashy
- grody
- gross
- hanging out
- immodest
- infamous
- noticeable
- open
- ostentatious
- out-and-out
- rank
- scandalous
- stick out like sore thumb
- striking
- wicked