dog-eared / ˈdɔgˌɪərd, ˈdɒg- /


dog-eared 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having dog-ears: a dog-eared book.
  2. shabby; worn: dog-eared furniture.

dog-eared 近义词


等同于 run-down


等同于 seedy


等同于 shabby


等同于 threadbare


等同于 scrubby


等同于 tatty


等同于 dilapidated


等同于 crease


等同于 fold


  1. Indeed, although he works here in the old town, he lives in the new part of the city where he walks his dog in the morning.
  2. Up till then I was just a dog-assed heavy, one of the posse.
  3. Hangover Rx: “The old ‘hair of the dog’ is pretty much just a myth,” says White.
  4. His latest book is a short story collection, Even a Street Dog: Las Vegas Stories.
  5. Among the evidence recovered: A videotape of two Sena children having sex with the family dog.
  6. A little boy of four was moved to passionate grief at the sight of a dead dog taken from a pond.
  7. A was an Archer, who shot at a frog; B was a Butcher, and had a great dog.
  8. The dog stood with hanging head and tail, as if ashamed he had let so many of his enemies get away unharmed.
  9. These words were uttered in a guarded whisper by a boy about seventeen years of age, to a great dog that stood by his side.
  10. At the word of command, the dog crouched down, his whole body quivering with excitement.