rickety / ˈrɪk ɪ ti /


rickety 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

rick·et·i·er, rick·et·i·est.

  1. likely to fall or collapse; shaky: a rickety chair.
  2. feeble in the joints; tottering; infirm: a rickety old man.
  3. old, dilapidated, or in disrepair.
  4. irregular, as motion or action.
  5. affected with or having rickets.
  6. relating to or of the nature of rickets.

rickety 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

unsound, broken-down


  1. It’s also hilarious that this attempt at stabilizing its rickety notions of amateurism will force schools to become even more like businesses.
  2. From rickety old strap-on blades to state-of-the-art high-performance skates, the range of options fits, and purposes are pretty vast.
  3. The pioneers, rolling in rickety wagons across the prairie with all of their earthly possessions, headed for a better life.
  4. The rickety elevator was a bit scary, making the tiny top floor apartment in Rome’s Monti neighborhood more of a sixth-floor walkup.
  5. She looks at you and then points to a rickety wooden boat about twenty-five meters from where you stand.
  6. There were taxis, called “hackneys,” which were rickety stagecoaches cast off by the rich and repurposed as transport for hire.
  7. Ray gave Jay a shell, then stepped onto a small, rickety carousel in the comer of the churchyard and loaded up.
  8. The going rate for life jackets on board the dangerously rickety vessels tops $200, whether for men, women or children.
  9. "Yeah, all right," he mutters, then follows his brothers out of the room, down a rickety flight of stairs and into the crucible.
  10. In the aperture of the window, amid piles of paper, stood a rickety old table, covered with dust.
  11. So saying the lively urchin grasped his new friend by the hand and led him by a rickety staircase to the “rookeries” above.
  12. This problem was solved by a native coming along driving a raw-boned horse before a rickety wagon.
  13. He could hardly walk up the rickety front steps of the old tumble-down house, and his thirteen-year-old son had to help him.
  14. On one side loomed a huge tank, to the brink of which a rickety wooden ladder invited the explorer to ascend.