rickets / ˈrɪk ɪts /


rickets 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a disease of childhood, characterized by softening of the bones as a result of inadequate intake of vitamin D and insufficient exposure to sunlight, also associated with impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism.


  1. Fischer has been endorsed by Sarah Palin and received big dollar donations from the Koch brothers and Joe Rickets.
  2. It is of temporary duration, and usually clears up when the symptoms of rickets have been eradicated.
  3. Rickets (a disease of the bones) often follows in the wake of faulty feeding and unhygienic surroundings.
  4. His make-up was that of a man completely worn out—one afflicted with physical and moral rickets.
  5. Rick′etly, shaky; Rick′ety, affected with rickets: feeble, unstable.
  6. Then John, he's got the rickets, and is used to be fed and taken care of.