worn / wɔrn, woʊrn /


worn2 个定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. past participle of wear.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. diminished in value or usefulness through wear, use, handling, etc.: worn clothing; worn tires.
  2. wearied; exhausted.

worn 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. As a general rule, if the midsoles or outsoles look compressed or worn, it’s time to move on.
  2. She’d worn holes in her favorite Skechers, so when she and her husband headed into town for groceries, she stopped in the shoe store and treated herself to two new pairs.
  3. He’d worn masks in stores, but never for seven hours straight.
  4. A blister was the last thing I needed, with the hot morning sun already making me wish I’d worn shorts.
  5. We’ve had our own R&D teams looking at knowledge-based selling on Alibaba where you show people how they can protect their hands because they’ve been washing them too much to a point where they’ve looked worn.
  6. Mrs. Kouachi works at a nursery and has worn the veil since she made the pilgrimage to Mecca in 2008.
  7. “The novelty of David Duke has worn off,” said Scalise then.
  8. The carpeting is worn, the furniture is falling apart, and the electricity is out for most of the day.
  9. The cap devices on thousands of identical hats glinted in the late morning sun along with the shields worn by each of the cops.
  10. It is also the one worn by Presidents Eisenhower, Truman, and George W. Bush.
  11. She herself had worn them in her youth, and they were the proper bonnets for "growing girls."
  12. The well-worn aphorism of the Frenchman, “History repeats itself,” was about to assert itself.
  13. Her worn-out blue petticoat is lighted up by a moonbeam; in her hand she appears to have a hoe.
  14. Her "St. Agnes" is an interesting rendering of a well-worn subject.
  15. But all you can think of are the horror stories about the worn out genes of Earth.