ratty / ˈræt i /


ratty 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

rat·ti·er, rat·ti·est.

  1. full of rats.
  2. of or characteristic of a rat.
  3. wretched; shabby: a ratty, old overcoat.
  4. Slang. irritable or angry; bad-tempered; nasty: I always feel ratty when I wake up.

ratty 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


ratty 的近义词 5


  1. Whatever the politicians decide, the science of us has come a long way from Watson and Rayner instilling ratty fears in an unsuspecting infant.
  2. I honestly can’t remember which manner of ratty Amazon bargain bin chair I had held onto for the last several years, but a month or two into this, I rolled it into the donation pile.
  3. Because, for me, the idea of the regal Diane in the ratty warehouse digs is positively tantalizing.
  4. The king got out an old ratty deck of cards after breakfast, and him and the duke played seven-up a while, five cents a game.
  5. Ratty made no answer—his blood began to cool—he became every moment more sensible that he had received heavy blows.
  6. I knew wed be sorry if ever we tried stopping over at one of these ratty little towns, muttered George.
  7. Muskrats I had no sympathy for, they looked so ratty, and had so unpleasant a smell.
  8. Curfoot, one lank knee over the other, swung his foot thoughtfully to and fro, his ratty eyes lost in dreamy revery.